Celebrating a Milestone: Bill Oehler’s 80th Birthday Bash

Originally Posted: December 30, 2023


It’s not every day that we get to celebrate a milestone as significant as an 80th birthday, especially for someone as remarkable as State DAV Commander Bill Oehler. Recently, 

we had the joy and honor of gathering at Chuck-a-Rama Buffet to mark this special occasion.

A Festive Atmosphere for a Beloved Leader

The air was filled with laughter and warmth as Bill’s family and close members of our DAV community came together for the dinner. The buffet, known for its cozy and inviting atmosphere, was the perfect setting for such a heartfelt celebration.

Bill Oehler: Timelessly Devoted

Celebrating a Milestone: Bill Oehler’s 80th Birthday Bash (dav-idaho.org)

Looking around the room, it was evident that Bill has touched many lives. His dedication to the DAV and our veteran community is unparalleled. And as for Bill himself, he doesn’t look a day over “a long time ago”! His youthful spirit and enduring dedication to our cause are as strong as ever.

Capturing the Moments

We made sure to capture these precious moments – the smiles, the toasts, and the camaraderie.


A Heartfelt Toast to Many More Years

As we raised our glasses in a toast to Bill, we not only celebrated his 80 years of life but

 also the countless ways he has enriched ours. Bill, here’s to you – for your unwavering service, your inspiring leadership, and the many lives you’ve touched. May this year bring you as much joy and fulfillment as you have brought to others.

Happy 80th Birthday, Bill Oehler – here’s to many more!