Tech Tuesday: Veteran’s Online Resources at the DAV of Idaho

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Tech Tuesday: Veteran’s Online Resources at the DAV of Idaho

Originally Posted: January 9, 2024|Tech Tuesday

Embracing Technology for Veteran Support

Image of ipad and keyboard for veteransWelcome to Tech Tuesday at the DAV of Idaho. In today’s digital age, having access to the right online resources can significantly enhance the support and services available to veterans. We’re here to guide you through some of the most valuable online tools and how the DAV of Idaho can help you navigate them.

A World of Online Resources for Veterans

The internet offers a wealth of resources tailored to veterans’ needs. From healthcare management and benefits information to community forums and job search platforms, these online tools are designed to provide convenient and immediate support.

Key Online Tools and Services

Here are some essential online resources that can be particularly beneficial for veterans:

  •  DAV Benefits Portal: The DAV organization offers assistance with VA benefits and claims. You can find more information on their official website at
  •  Mental Health Resources: DAV provides various mental health resources for veterans. While specific URLs for these resources are not available here, you can visit the DAV website or contact your local DAV office for more information. 
  •  Job Search Platforms for Veterans: DAV offers resources for job-seeking veterans, including job fairs and employment resources. Information about these can be found on the DAV website under the ‘Veterans’ section or through their Jobs for Veterans portal.  

DAV of Idaho’s Role in Digital Navigation

At the DAV of Idaho, we understand that navigating these online resources can be overwhelming. That’s why we offer workshops and one-on-one assistance to help veterans effectively use these digital tools. Our aim is to ensure that every veteran can access the information and services they need with ease.

The Benefits of Being Digitally Connected

Staying digitally connected opens up a world of opportunities and resources. It allows veterans to take control of their benefits, seek employment, connect with peers, and access vital health resources, all from the comfort of their homes.

Volunteer Drivers: Bridging the Online and Offline Worlds

Our volunteer drivers do more than just provide transportation; they help veterans access both online and offline resources. We’re always in need of more volunteers to support this crucial service.

Your Support Makes a Difference

Donations to the DAV help us continue providing these essential services, including digital literacy programs and access to online resources. Your generosity ensures that we can keep supporting our veterans in every way possible.

Join Us in Supporting Our Veterans

We encourage you to explore these online resources and support the DAV of Idaho’s mission. Whether it’s through volunteering, donating, or simply staying informed, your involvement is invaluable.

Stay Connected with the DAV of Idaho:

Together, let’s harness the power of technology to enhance the lives of our veterans.