Pocatello Veterans Day Parade

Pocatello Veterans Day Parade

Originally Posted: October 7, 2023|Pocatello


Pocatello Veterans Day Parade

11 AM – 12:00 PM 

Pocadello Veterans Day Parade Banner PARADE DETAILS This year’s Pocatello Veterans Day Parade will take place on Saturday, November 4. The parade route will begin at 11:00 AM on South 1st Street, then head east on East Center Street to 15th Street where it will turn right on East Oak Street and continue south, ending in the east-side parking lot of Reed Gym.  For more information about the Pocatello Veterans Day Parade or to nominate a Parade Marshal, please visit http://www.pocatelloveteransdayparade.com or contact the parade committee at vfwccpost735@gmail.com or (208) 221-0077.