Fly Fishing Basics for Veterans in Salmon Idaho 

Fly Fishing Basics for Veterans in Salmon Idaho

The VA Recreation and Creative Arts Therapy, in collaboration with Salmon River Fly Box, is excited to present a special event for our veterans in Salmon, Idaho. Join us for a session on Fly Fishing Basics, designed to provide a relaxing and educational experience.

Event Details

Date: Friday, July 26, 2024

Time: 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM

Location: Salmon, Idaho (Location details will be provided upon registration)

What to Expect

This event is tailored to teach veterans the fundamentals of fly fishing. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refresh your skills, this session will cover everything you need to get started. The best part? All necessary equipment will be provided, so you can simply show up and enjoy the experience.

How to Register

Space is limited, and registration is required to attend this free event. To reserve your spot, please email Ann Wildman at Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn a new skill and connect with fellow veterans in a beautiful outdoor setting.

About the Organizers

The event is organized by the VA Recreation and Creative Arts Therapy team, dedicated to providing therapeutic and recreational activities for veterans. Salmon River Fly Box, known for their expertise in fly fishing, is partnering to ensure a high-quality and enjoyable experience for all participants.

We look forward to seeing you there! Whether you’re casting a line for the first time or honing your fly fishing technique, this event promises to be both educational and enjoyable.