Honor Old Glory at the American Legion Rathdrum Post 154 Flag Retirement Ceremony

Flag Day Rathdrum

Join the American Legion Rathdrum Post 154 for a special Flag Day ceremony, an event dedicated to respectfully retiring worn and tattered American flags. This annual tradition is a solemn yet heartwarming event, ensuring that our nation’s symbol is treated with the honor and respect it deserves.

Event Details:

  • Date: Wednesday, June 14, 2024
  • Time: Ceremony begins at 10:00 A.M.
  • Location: Rathdrum Lions Club, 16114 N Meyer Road, Rathdrum, Idaho

The ceremony provides a perfect opportunity for the community to come together to learn about the importance of the flag and the proper way to retire it. If you have a flag that is worn out and needs retiring, bring it to this event or drop it off at the designated flag box in front of the Rathdrum City Hall by June 13th. The flags collected will be retired during the ceremony in a dignified and respectful manner.

For those looking to replace their retired flags, new flags may be purchased through American Legion Post 154. You can call Bill or Helen Kinder at (208) 661-6850 or email wakinder74@gmail.com for more details.

This Flag Day, let’s come together as a community to honor the flag that unites us all. It’s a time to reflect on our freedoms and the principles our nation stands for. Whether you’re a veteran, a family member of someone who served, or simply a patriotic citizen, your presence will add to the significance of the occasion.