Pocatello Chili Cookoff & Trunk or Treat

Pocadella Trunk or Treat Flyer

Pocatello Chili Cookoff & Trunk or Treat

Originally Posted: October 7, 2023|Pocatello

Pocadella Trunk or Treat Flyer Pocatello Chili Cookoff & Trunk or Treat – Pocatello National Guard Armory

October 27th 

6 PM – 8 PM


Hiedi Young (208) 608-3888

Pocatello Veterans Day Parade

Pocadello Veterans Day Parade Banner

Pocatello Veterans Day Parade

Originally Posted: October 7, 2023|Pocatello


Pocatello Veterans Day Parade

11 AM – 12:00 PM 

Pocadello Veterans Day Parade Banner PARADE DETAILS This year’s Pocatello Veterans Day Parade will take place on Saturday, November 4. The parade route will begin at 11:00 AM on South 1st Street, then head east on East Center Street to 15th Street where it will turn right on East Oak Street and continue south, ending in the east-side parking lot of Reed Gym.  For more information about the Pocatello Veterans Day Parade or to nominate a Parade Marshal, please visit http://www.pocatelloveteransdayparade.com or contact the parade committee at vfwccpost735@gmail.com or (208) 221-0077. 

Post Falls Fall Festival – Post Falls Armory

Post Falls Fall Festival Brochure

Post Falls Fall Festival – Post Falls Armory

Post Falls Fall Festival BrochureOriginally Posted: October 7, 2023|Post Falls

 Open to All Local Military & Veteran Families  

Costumes Encouraged!!  

October 20  5 PM – 8 PM  

Post Falls Armory  

Carnival Fun | Costumes | Community Resources  

More Info:  Brandi Stordahl (208) 608-3895  

Self-Care Sunday: Nurturing Mental Health at the DAV of Idaho

Veteran Running on Sunday

Self-Care Sunday: Nurturing Mental Health at the DAV of Idaho

Originally Posted: January 7, 2024|Self-Care Sunday

Veteran Running on SundayEmbracing Wellness for Our Veterans

Welcome to Self-Care Sunday at the DAV of Idaho. Today, we’re focusing on the vital importance of mental health and self-care, particularly for our veterans. In our journey of service and support, acknowledging and nurturing mental well-being stands paramount.

Understanding the Mental Health Landscape for Veterans

Veterans face unique challenges that can impact their mental health, including transitioning from military to civilian life and dealing with the aftereffects of service. Addressing these challenges through self-care and support is not just beneficial; it’s essential for a fulfilling life.

Simple Yet Effective Self-Care Strategies

Self-care doesn’t have to be complex. Here are some simple strategies that can make a significant difference:

  • Mindfulness and Relaxation: Practices like meditation and deep breathing can help in managing stress and anxiety.
  • Staying Active: Regular physical activity is a great mood booster and helps in maintaining overall health.
  • Connecting with Others: Spending time with family, friends, or fellow veterans can provide emotional support and a sense of belonging.

The DAV of Idaho’s Mental Health Resources

At the DAV of Idaho, we offer various resources and programs focused on mental health. We encourage our veterans and their families to take advantage of these supports, which are designed to promote mental and emotional well-being.

The Power of Community Support

Being part of a community like the DAV of Idaho can have a positive impact on mental health. Our community offers a space for shared experiences, understanding, and mutual support – all of which are crucial for mental wellness.

Volunteer Drivers: Supporting Mental Health Access

Our volunteer drivers play a critical role in supporting mental health by ensuring veterans can access medical appointments and services. We’re always in need of more drivers, and we invite you to join this vital program.

Your Donations Make a Difference

Donations to the DAV help us sustain and expand our mental health resources and other support services. Your generosity enables us to continue providing essential care to our veterans.

Join Us in Supporting Veteran Mental Health

We encourage you to take an active role in your mental health journey and to support our mission at the DAV of Idaho. Whether it’s through volunteering, donating, or simply being part of our community, your involvement makes a world of difference.

Stay Connected with DAV of Idaho:

Together, let’s nurture a community where mental health is prioritized, and every veteran feels supported.

Social Saturday: The Heart of Our Community at the DAV of Idaho

Veterans coming Together

Social Saturday: The Heart of Our Community at the DAV of Idaho

Originally Posted: January 6, 2024|Social Saturday, Vision for 2024


Veterans coming TogetherHappy Social Saturday to our DAV of Idaho family! Today, we want to celebrate the spirit of community that binds us together. It’s the shared experiences, support, and camaraderie that make our organization more than just a group – it’s a family.

The Power of Connection

At the DAV of Idaho, every interaction, every shared story, and every act of support contributes to the strength of our community. We understand that the journey of a veteran is filled with unique challenges, and it’s through our collective efforts that we can provide the necessary support and understanding.

Supporting Each Other Every Day

  • Peer Support: Our community is built on the foundation of peer support. Whether it’s offering a listening ear or sharing advice, the support we give each other is invaluable.
  • Volunteer Efforts: Even without specific events, our volunteers continuously work behind the scenes, providing essential services and support to our veterans.
  • Staying Engaged: Engagement doesn’t always mean attending events. It can be as simple as reaching out to a fellow veteran, participating in online discussions, or sharing your experiences with the community.

The Importance of Your Role

Your role in the DAV of Idaho community is crucial. Whether you’re a veteran, a family member, or a supporter, your involvement and support make a real difference. Every contribution, no matter how small, helps to strengthen our community.

 The Impact of Volunteering

Volunteering, especially as a driver for our veterans, is more than just a service; it’s a lifeline. By volunteering to drive veterans to their medical appointments, you ensure they have access to the care they need. This role is crucial and deeply appreciated within our community.

 Growing Stronger with Every New Member

Each new member brings unique experiences and strengths to our community. Growing our membership means expanding our capacity to support and advocate for veterans. We encourage you to join us and add your voice to our mission. Your membership makes a difference.

The Power of Your Donations

Donations are a vital part of our ability to provide continuous support. Every contribution, big or small, helps us maintain and expand our services, including our transportation program for veterans. Your generosity ensures that we can keep serving those who have served us.

A Call to Stay Connected

We encourage everyone to stay connected with the DAV of Idaho. Follow us on our social media platforms to keep up with community news, share your stories, and find out how you can contribute to our mission:

Together, we create a supportive network that not only helps each veteran but also enriches our lives. Let’s continue to build this community with the same spirit of camaraderie and support that defines us.

Strengthening Our Community: Your Role in DAV of Idaho’s Mission

A group of veterans as a community

Strengthening Our Community: Your Role in DAV of Idaho’s Mission

Originally Posted: January 3, 2024|DAV Mission

A group of veterans as a communityAt the DAV of Idaho, we understand that the heart of our mission lies within our community. As we embrace 2024, we want to emphasize the vital role of community engagement in supporting our veterans and highlight how every contribution, whether through participation or donation, makes a significant impact.

Fostering a Supportive Environment

Community engagement at DAV Idaho goes beyond attending events. It’s about creating a network of support, understanding, and camaraderie. Our initiatives and programs are designed to bring members together, offering a space where veterans can connect, share experiences, and find mutual support.

Opportunities for Engagement

DAV Idaho actively organizes and participates in various activities, including:

  • Local and National Events: These events offer a platform for our members to connect and support each other.
  • Volunteer Programs: Volunteering with DAV Idaho is a rewarding way to give back and strengthen our community.
  • Advocacy and Awareness: We are committed to raising awareness and advocating for veteran issues and policies.

The Power of Your Contribution

Your involvement in DAV Idaho is invaluable. Whether you’re volunteering your time, participating in events, or advocating for veteran issues, you’re contributing to the strength and responsiveness of our community.

Make a Difference with Your Donation

In addition to your involvement, financial contributions play a crucial role in our ability to serve. Donations to DAV Idaho directly support our programs and services, ensuring that we can continue to meet the needs of our veterans effectively. Your generosity helps us provide essential resources, organize events, and maintain our volunteer services.

How to Donate

To make a donation, please visit dav-idaho.org. Every donation, big or small, makes a difference in the lives of our veterans.

Join Us and Be Part of the Change

We invite you to be an active part of the DAV of Idaho community. Your participation and donations are not just contributions; they are investments in the well-being of our veterans.

Stay Connected

For more information on how to get involved or make a donation, visit our website and follow us on social media:

Together, let’s continue to build a supportive and resilient community for our veterans.

Tech Tuesday: Veteran’s Online Resources at the DAV of Idaho

Image of ipad and keyboard for veterans

Tech Tuesday: Veteran’s Online Resources at the DAV of Idaho

Originally Posted: January 9, 2024|Tech Tuesday

Embracing Technology for Veteran Support

Image of ipad and keyboard for veteransWelcome to Tech Tuesday at the DAV of Idaho. In today’s digital age, having access to the right online resources can significantly enhance the support and services available to veterans. We’re here to guide you through some of the most valuable online tools and how the DAV of Idaho can help you navigate them.

A World of Online Resources for Veterans

The internet offers a wealth of resources tailored to veterans’ needs. From healthcare management and benefits information to community forums and job search platforms, these online tools are designed to provide convenient and immediate support.

Key Online Tools and Services

Here are some essential online resources that can be particularly beneficial for veterans:

  •  DAV Benefits Portal: The DAV organization offers assistance with VA benefits and claims. You can find more information on their official website at DAV.org
  •  Mental Health Resources: DAV provides various mental health resources for veterans. While specific URLs for these resources are not available here, you can visit the DAV website or contact your local DAV office for more information. 
  •  Job Search Platforms for Veterans: DAV offers resources for job-seeking veterans, including job fairs and employment resources. Information about these can be found on the DAV website under the ‘Veterans’ section or through their Jobs for Veterans portal.  

DAV of Idaho’s Role in Digital Navigation

At the DAV of Idaho, we understand that navigating these online resources can be overwhelming. That’s why we offer workshops and one-on-one assistance to help veterans effectively use these digital tools. Our aim is to ensure that every veteran can access the information and services they need with ease.

The Benefits of Being Digitally Connected

Staying digitally connected opens up a world of opportunities and resources. It allows veterans to take control of their benefits, seek employment, connect with peers, and access vital health resources, all from the comfort of their homes.

Volunteer Drivers: Bridging the Online and Offline Worlds

Our volunteer drivers do more than just provide transportation; they help veterans access both online and offline resources. We’re always in need of more volunteers to support this crucial service.

Your Support Makes a Difference

Donations to the DAV help us continue providing these essential services, including digital literacy programs and access to online resources. Your generosity ensures that we can keep supporting our veterans in every way possible.

Join Us in Supporting Our Veterans

We encourage you to explore these online resources and support the DAV of Idaho’s mission. Whether it’s through volunteering, donating, or simply staying informed, your involvement is invaluable.

Stay Connected with the DAV of Idaho:

Together, let’s harness the power of technology to enhance the lives of our veterans.


The Benefits of Joining DAV of Idaho: A Call to Action

Community Outreach

The Benefits of Joining DAV of Idaho: A Call to Action

January 15, 2024|BoiseVA, DAV Mission


Introduction to DAV of Idaho

We are Here to Help VeteransGreetings, and welcome to an overview of the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) of Idaho. Joining our organization is not only a noble commitment to supporting veterans but also an opportunity to become part of a community dedicated to meaningful service.

Why Membership Matters

Membership in DAV of Idaho is an impactful way to contribute to the well-being of veterans. It offers a unique platform for community engagement and support, fostering a network that understands and addresses the needs of veterans.

Advantages of Being a Member

  • Advocacy for Veterans’ Rights: DAV of Idaho is committed to advocating for the rights and benefits of veterans. Our efforts ensure that the voices of veterans are heard and respected at all levels.
  • Exclusive Access to Resources: Members have access to specialized resources, including legal advice, assistance with benefits, and healthcare information, crucial for navigating post-service life.
  • Networking Opportunities: Membership opens doors to connect with other veterans, community leaders, and supporters, creating a network of mutual support and understanding.

Member Testimonials

Our members often share how DAV of Idaho has positively influenced their lives, from successful career transitions facilitated by our job fairs to the relief and clarity gained from our benefits assistance programs.

The Strength of Unity

Membership in DAV of Idaho symbolizes a commitment to the collective well-being of veterans. It is an opportunity to be part of a community that values support, advocacy, and mutual respect.

Joining DAV of Idaho

Becoming a member is a straightforward process. Interested individuals can visit our website here for detailed information and instructions on how to join.

The Impact of Volunteering

Volunteering with DAV of Idaho, particularly as a driver for veterans, is a significant way to contribute to our mission. Volunteers are essential in enabling us to provide comprehensive support to our veterans.



Consider joining DAV of Idaho to make a meaningful difference in the lives of veterans. Your membership and support are instrumental in advancing our mission and enhancing our capacity to serve.

Stay Connected

For updates and insights into our activities, follow DAV of Idaho on Instagram, TikTok, and Tumblr. We welcome your engagement and support in our community.


The Essential Role of Veteran Organizations: The DAV of Idaho

Thank you for your service

The Essential Role of Veteran Organizations: The DAV of Idaho

Originally Posted: January 17, 2024|DAV Organization


Understanding the Pillars of Support for Our Veterans

Thank you for your serviceVeteran organizations stand out as crucial threads in the tapestry of support for our veterans. These entities, like the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) of Idaho, play a pivotal role in uplifting those who have served our nation. But what exactly makes these organizations so vital?

The Backbone of Veteran Support

Veteran organizations are more than just groups; they are lifelines. They offer various services, from advocating for veterans’ rights to providing essential support programs and fostering community connections. These organizations are dedicated to ensuring that no veteran is left behind, especially when transitioning back to civilian life.

The Far-Reaching Impact of Veteran Organizations

The influence of these organizations is profound. They are not just helping individuals; they are transforming communities. By offering support and advocacy, they ensure veterans receive the respect, care, and opportunities they deserve. The ripple effect of their work can be seen in improved mental health, successful career transitions, and stronger family relationships within the veteran community.

DAV of Idaho: A Beacon of Hope

The DAV of Idaho stands as a prime example of the positive force of veteran organizations. With a mission tailored to the unique needs of Idaho’s veterans, DAV of Idaho offers comprehensive services, including:

  • Advocacy and Benefits Assistance: Navigating the complexities of veterans’ benefits can be daunting. DAV of Idaho steps in to provide expert guidance and advocacy.
  • Community Programs: From social gatherings to support groups, these programs foster a sense of belonging and mutual support among veterans.

Stories of Triumph and Transformation

The real impact of the DAV of Idaho is best told through the stories of those it has touched. Take, for instance, John, a veteran who found a new purpose through DAV of Idaho’s job assistance program, or Sarah, who credits the organization’s support groups with helping her navigate the challenges of post-service life. These stories are testaments to the life-changing work of veteran organizations.

The Power of Community Involvement

The success of veteran organizations like DAV of Idaho hinges on community involvement. Volunteers are the lifeblood of these groups, offering their time and skills to drive forward the mission.

Whether it is participating in events, offering administrative support, or driving veterans to appointments, every volunteer contributes to a more significant cause.

Join the Mission

Getting involved with veteran organizations, particularly DAV of Idaho, is a direct way to make a difference. Whether you volunteer, donate, or spread the word, your involvement is invaluable. It’s about being part of a community that honors and supports those who have served.

Conclusion: A Call to Action

The role of veteran organizations in our society is indispensable. They stand as beacons of hope and pillars of support for our veterans. By supporting entities like the DAV of Idaho, we honor our veterans’ service and contribute to their well-being and success in civilian life.

Learn More and Get Involved

To learn more about how you can support the DAV of Idaho or their programs, visit DAV of Idaho’s website. Follow us on social media for the latest updates and stories of impact:

Let’s continue building a supportive network for our veterans and their families.


The Vital Role of Donations in Supporting the DAV


The Vital Role of Donations in Supporting the DAV

Originally Posted: January 16, 2024|Community Outreach, Donations


Supporting Our Heroes Through Generosity

DonateAt the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) of Idaho, every donation, big or small, plays a crucial role in our mission to support and empower veterans. Today, we want to discuss the importance of donations and how they directly impact the lives of veterans in our community.

How Donations Make a Difference

  • Enhancing Veteran Programs: Donations enable us to maintain and expand our range of programs, including job assistance, health services, and advocacy efforts.
  • Facilitating Essential Services: Contributions help us provide essential services like transportation for veterans to medical appointments, a service heavily reliant on volunteer drivers and funding for operational costs.
  • Supporting Community Outreach: Donations fund our community outreach initiatives, allowing us to organize events, workshops, and support groups that bring veterans together.

The Impact of Your Contribution

Every donation to DAV of Idaho has a story behind it – a story of a veteran receiving the help they need. Whether it’s aiding a veteran in navigating the complexities of VA benefits or providing a listening ear through our support groups, your contributions make these stories possible.

Why Your Support Matters

  • Sustained Assistance: Continuous support through donations ensures that our services remain available and accessible to all veterans in need.
  • Expanding Reach: With more resources, we can extend our reach to more veterans, offering support to those who may not have access to necessary services.

How to Donate

Donating to DAV of Idaho is easy and can be done in several ways:

  • Online Donations: Visit our website DAV of Idaho Donations to make a secure online donation.
  • Mail-In Donations: For those who prefer traditional methods, donations can be sent via mail to our office.

Other Ways to Support

  • Volunteering: Apart from monetary contributions, volunteering your time is a valuable way to support our mission.
  • Membership: Becoming a member of DAV of Idaho is another way to contribute to our cause and join a community of support.


Your donations are more than just monetary contributions; they are a lifeline for veterans who have served our nation. We invite you to join us in our mission to support them by making a donation today.

Stay Connected

To learn more about our programs, how donations are used, or to get involved in other ways, follow us on our social media platforms and visit our website.

Together, let’s continue to make a meaningful difference in the lives of our veterans.