Become a Volunteer Driver 
for DAV of Idaho

Why Volunteer Driving Matters

In the scenic landscapes of Idaho, where the spirit of community and patriotism runs deep, lies an opportunity to make a significant difference in the lives of those who've served our nation with honor. The Disabled American Veterans (DAV) of Idaho is dedicated to empowering veterans, especially those disabled in service, to lead high-quality lives with respect and dignity. At the heart of our mission is the vital transportation service we provide, ensuring our heroes can access the healthcare services essential to their well-being.

Yet, this critical service could not exist without the compassion, commitment, and drive of our volunteer drivers. These unsung heroes are more than just drivers; they are lifelines, connecting veterans with the medical appointments crucial to their health and recovery. As a volunteer driver, you become part of a larger mission: to give back to those who have sacrificed so much for our freedom and security.

The need is great, and the rewards are even greater. Every mile driven, every veteran transported, represents a tangible impact on the lives of those who have served. But beyond the numbers lies the true essence of volunteering: the smiles exchanged, the stories shared, and the profound sense of purpose and community that comes from serving those who have served us all.

Join us in this noble cause. Whether you have a few hours a month or a day a week, your time and generosity can transform lives. This is your chance to drive change, one veteran at a time, in the beautiful state of Idaho. Read on to learn how you can become a volunteer driver and make a lasting impact in the lives of our veterans.


The Impact of Your Contribution

When you choose to become a volunteer driver for the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) of Idaho, you're not just offering a ride; you're providing a lifeline to those who've served our country with valor and sacrifice. The impact of your contribution extends far beyond the miles driven, fostering independence, dignity, and improved quality of life for our veterans. Here’s how your role as a volunteer driver can transform lives

By the Numbers: The Program's Reach

2,500+ Rides Provided: Last year alone, DAV of Idaho volunteer drivers provided over 2,500 rides to veterans, ensuring they could access medical appointments, therapy sessions, and other essential services.

75,000 Miles Driven: Covering the vast landscapes of Idaho, our volunteers drove more than 75,000 miles last year, a testament to their dedication and the widespread need among the veteran community.

Hundreds of Lives Touched: Behind every ride is a story of a veteran whose life has been positively impacted by the generosity and commitment of volunteers like you.

A Powerful Role

The role of a volunteer driver is a powerful one, offering more than just transportation—it's about connection, respect, and acknowledgment of our veterans' sacrifices. Your contribution helps ensure that no veteran in Idaho goes without the care they deserve, reinforcing the bond between the community and those who've served. As a volunteer, you become a crucial part of their support system, helping to lift spirits, improve health outcomes, and make a real difference in their lives.

Through these personal stories and statistics, it's clear that the DAV of Idaho volunteer driver program is not just about the destinations reached but about the journeys shared. It's a chance to give back in a truly meaningful way, to hear and honor the stories of our veterans, and to play a pivotal role in their road to health and independence.

How to Become a Volunteer Driver

Joining the ranks of volunteer drivers for the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) of Idaho is a straightforward process designed to ensure the safety and comfort of both our volunteers and the veterans they serve. Below is a step-by-step guide to becoming a volunteer driver, along with information on the training and support provided to ensure a fulfilling volunteer experience.
Step-by-Step Guide to Applying
Eligibility Check: Ensure you meet the basic requirements, such as having a valid driver's license, a clean driving record, and passing a background check.
Contact DAV of Idaho: Reach out to the DAV of Idaho volunteer coordinator through our website, by phone, or in person at your local DAV office to express your interest in becoming a volunteer driver.
Application Submission: Complete the volunteer driver application form, which includes providing personal information, driving history, and references.
Health and Safety Training: Attend a mandatory health and safety training session, which covers safe driving practices, how to assist veterans with mobility issues, and COVID-19 safety protocols.
Vehicle Familiarization: Receive training on the operation of DAV vehicles, including accessibility features and maintenance checks.
Training and Support
Comprehensive Training: DAV of Idaho provides thorough training for all volunteer drivers to ensure you are well-prepared and confident in your role. This includes defensive driving courses, first aid certification, and sensitivity training to understand the unique needs of veterans.
Ongoing Support: Our volunteer coordinator is always available to answer your questions, provide additional resources, or offer support as needed. Regular check-ins and volunteer meetings are held to foster a sense of community and share experiences.
Resources and Materials: Volunteers receive materials such as maps, contact lists, and emergency procedures to keep in the vehicle, ensuring you have all the necessary information at your fingertips.

FAQs for Prospective Volunteer Drivers

Q: Do I need to use my own vehicle?

A: No, DAV of Idaho provides vehicles specifically equipped for transporting veterans. These vehicles are maintained and insured by DAV.

Q: How much time do I need to commit?

A: We value any time you can provide. Whether it's a few hours a month or a regular weekly schedule, your contribution is invaluable to us and the veterans we serve.

Q: Can I choose the areas where I drive?

A: Yes, we strive to match volunteer drivers with routes that are convenient for them, taking into account your location and preferences whenever possible.

Apply to Be a Volunteer Driver

Ready to make a difference in the lives of veterans? Complete our online application form to start the process. If you have any questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to contact our volunteer coordinator. Join us in making a significant impact on the lives of those who have served our country.